The Reader

As a child I was always reading - inside school and out. I went to the nearby library every Saturday to exchange a stack of books for new ones. I loved reading most things. Fantasy, horror and books with a touch of magic were generally my favourite. When I got a little older and bored with the small selection of children books my local library had, I ventured into the teen section. That's where I picked up my first comic - a random volume of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. As a child I found young adult books to have the most boring of blurbs. They advertised adventure and fantasy and then ruined it with something soppy about love. I really had no interest in love stories at that time, and I found all the drama of romance usually found in YA aimed at girls to be unnecessary and unappealing to me.

As a teenager reader I read more horror and sci-fi books. I also lost time for reading. I withdrew into myself and rarely went to the library. I did, however, start reading manga. I fell in love with manga for it's amazing visuals and animated way of telling stories. 

On a whim I tried a book from the western spinner at my local library. I loved it. I read another. I enjoyed it. My indulgence of westerns continued until I moved to university where the local library did not seem to stock any western books. That put me off reading again for a little while. I found the Western genre to be easy to read, have beautiful settings, rough and tough characters and only a tablespoon of romance. The fact that romance was not a main plot point made me love those books more - the characters had motivations beyond love and lust.

Now I have discovered the joys of ebooks. As someone who is busy most of the time, yet somehow manages to find time to be bored, the convenience of reading on my mobile phone or tablet gave me time to read. I once wanted to be a writer and so I understand how important ratings and reviews are to some writers. For those with an intimate fan base I can imagine feedback is very important and the voices of reviewers can be heard. That's why I try to make my reviews worthwhile for authors and other readers. I hope that, at some point, the amazing ebooks I read will become more popular and be recognised by a wider audience. When 'everyone has a story in them' it's easy to see why some great stories are buried and go largely unknown.

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