An enjoyable novella with an interesting take on the vampire genre. Rather than horror, this book is falls more under the categories of fantasy-realism, romance and a hint of thriller, I suppose. I absolutely love the retro cover and series name.

Josie wants what she’s never been able to have—sex with a vampire. When she receives an invitation to a party thrown by one of the world’s richest vamps, she doesn’t stop to question her luck; she just jumps into her favorite stilettos and heads out to the event of a lifetime, secretly hoping that she’ll come home with a party favor in the shape of a sexy coffin dweller.
But the great undead, much to Josie’s chagrin, aren’t just pale sexbots with pointy teeth waiting to satisfy her carnal desires—they are dangerous…and sometimes cranky. With a single-minded focus on fulfilling her sole sexual longing, Josie unwittingly entrenches herself in the twisted and sometimes antagonistic world of vampire relationships with no one to guide her, but herself.

From the cover and title I thought this book was going to be a witty satirical take the vampire love story genre, or perhaps just an amusing how-to ‘guide’ for vampire relationships. For me, it didn’t really meet either of these expectations. It was just another short, vampire love story with some humour and sex thrown in. While it wasn’t a bad book, I had high expectations of being amused so I was a little disappointed.
The main character in this novel has her own voice, she can be mildly amusing. She’s brash, independent, and a bit slow but does have some self awareness as seen when she comments on her desire for vampire sex: “Oh my God— I was a teenage boy”. I didn’t really feel she was a well rounded character, but as I said it is only a short book so she’s fleshed out relative to length. I found it difficult to believe that while she was trying to impress two sexy vampires she would use the word ‘yuppers’. I can’t imagine that word sounding sexy from anyone’s mouth. The character also seemed a little… old to be using that kind of word. But that was just a little thing that bugged me.
I really liked that vampires were explained in terms of why and how they drink blood. Even the apparently sexy vampire bite was explained with a bit of humour:
“Tell me, would that have been better for you if you’d eaten a salami sandwich while we did it?” “Ew, no . What an absurd question… oh. So then, you don’t like to suck blood while you have sex?”
I saw the end coming for the most part. Aren’t the ‘perfect’ ones always the evil ones? As it was a short book I didn’t mind the predictability, if I had invested five hours for a predictable ending, however, I would have been sad.
The relationships in this book seem to happen very fast and, as vampires live so much longer than humans, I would have thought they would be inclined to take their time to enjoy things. Perhaps some date stamps would have made the book feel less speedy. It seemed like everything happened within about 7 days.
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